Middlesbrough College and TTE will inform parents and guardians each half term of how your child is doing at college via a performance report. This includes our judgment on your child’s attendance, behaviour, attitude to learning, industry placement and progress towards their target grade in their main subject and maths and English (where applicable).
We will make the half termly bursary payment (if eligible) based on good attendance, behaviour and attitude to learning.
We will provide rewards and incentives to all students who have excellent attendance, behaviour and attitudes to work as well as those who make big steps to improve.
We will invite you to an online or on campus meeting so we can discuss your child’s progress in person with you.
Attendance is very important, and research shows that students who miss 10% of their classes, on average achieve a grade less than expected, which could affect their future career or study options.
We ask for parents and guardians to encourage their child to attend all their classes and industry placement and to report any absences as soon as possible.
We recognise that excellent attendance and punctuality is a key factor to success and the development of employability skills. Please encourage your child to attend all classes.
If your child is absent from the College or TTE on a timetabled day, parents and guardians must call the Attendance Officer and/or the Department Administration team to report the absence before the timetabled class begins. Contact details for the different departments can be found below.
All absences not reported will be treated as unauthorised. Please check the authorised absences list to confirm what is an authorised absence.
Sickness, whilst it may be unavoidable, will usually be recorded as unauthorised. We will follow up with meetings and letters home where attendance is a cause for concern and will implement intervention and support where this may be required.
The College and TTE monitors attendance through electronic registers; an automatic text will be sent to parents/guardians or named contacts if a student misses registration during class.
Absence calls must be made to the relevant number below.
Visual Performing Arts (inc. Music, Art, Fashion Retail): 01642 333772
Digital (inc. Computing & Games): 01642 333599
Service Industries and Retail Skills (inc. Hair & Beauty, Catering & Hospitality): 01642 333599
Sports, Travel & Public Services: 01642 333772
A Levels – Middlesbrough College Sixth Form (MC6): 01642 333330
Construction: 01642 333497
Engineering and Motor Vehicle: 01642 333555
Health and Social Care: 01642 333211
Childcare and Business: 01642 333925
TTE: 01642 333555
Progression Studies, Life Skills and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages): 01642 333909
Access to HE and Health, Childcare and Business Adults: 01642 333826
Adult and Community Learning: 01642 333378