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Additional Learning Support

Middlesbrough College has a course for you and is here to support and help you every step of the way.


Supporting your studies

At Middlesbrough College we offer additional learning support to students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties. We are committed to providing a learning environment in which there is equality for all members of its community.

We welcome applications from people with a learning difficulty, learning disability or any additional support need. We aim to provide the appropriate resources, facilities and services to enable students to be successful in their chosen programme of study.

We offer a range of support for learners up to Level 3. Please see our Higher Education page to find out about the support we can offer University students.

ALS rock climbers

The Additional Learning Support (ALS) Team offers a wide range of support services to enable you to access the education and social environments of the College. We have a large team of experienced and trained staff who work closely with students, schools, outside agencies and tutors to provide you with an individual support package. We recognise that everyone’s needs are unique and will work with students to identify any barriers that exist and make every effort to overcome them. The College wants all students to have the same opportunities to achieve their full potential.

Middlesbrough College is co-operating with local authorities to adhere to the special educational needs and disability code of practice (SEND) using our best endeavours to meet the needs of young people with special educational needs or disabilities. Visit the Middlesbrough Council website to find out more about the SEND reforms.  

“Learners with high needs make excellent progress in meeting the outcomes in their education, health and care plans. They make significant progress in improving their confidence and self-esteem, developing their communication and interaction skills so that they can work with other learners and with staff.” – Ofsted, 2024

View the guide

Take a look at our guide for additional support and pathways available to help you prepare for adulthood.

SEN Guide 2023-2024
Apprenticeships for young people with dyslexia

If you have dyslexia, support is available for Function Skills qualifications in English and maths and for Key Skills. Access Arrangements can be made to suit you.

More about Disabled Students Allowance

DSA (Disabled Students’ Allowance) cover some of the extra costs you may have because of a mental health problem, long term illness or any other disability.

Support Packages and Facilities

Contact our team

If you have an educational, health and care plan and want more information on our courses, or would just like further information on the additional support we offer here at Middlesbrough College, speak to our Additional Learning Support Team by sending them an email at

For information on what’s available for children and young people in Middlesbrough with special educational needs, visit the Middlesbrough’s Local Offer website.

Talk to us about your next step

Our friendly team are always happy to help! Get in touch with us to get your questions answered and to find out more. Subscribe for our monthly newsletter and stay up to date.