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Meet our Schools Team

Lucy, Coby, Jen, Ellie and Meg are Middlesbrough College’s direct link with schools.

Schools Team 2024

Our Schools Team, Lucy, Ellie, Coby, Meg and Jen, visit schools from across the North East and Yorkshire providing information, advice and guidance on the options available to school leavers.

Alongside delivering presentations in school and attending drop-in sessions on lunch breaks, they attend parent evenings and career conventions to give you the most up-to-date information. Their goal is to ensure the transition between school and College is as smooth as possible by informing you about the post-16 options available to you.

They will be visiting your school this year so please ask them questions about the courses we offer or the college as a whole. If your school is one of the few who don’t invite us in, please call or email for a bespoke tour and advice session!

What we offer to schools:

  • Presentations and talks
  • Lunchtime drop-in sessions
  • Parent evenings attendance and advice to parents and guardians
  • Taster days
  • Careers conventions
  • Interview, application form and CV days
  • Information, advice and tours of the College campus and TTE
  • Discovery days

Talk to us about your next step

Our friendly team are always happy to help! Get in touch with us to get your questions answered and to find out more. Subscribe for our monthly newsletter and stay up to date.