Find out more about our attendance policy and how to get in touch and report an absence.
Attendance Reporting

Can’t make it in to college? It’s important that we’re made aware!
If you are absent from College on a timetabled day, your parent/carer must call your Attendance Officer and/or the Department Administration Team to report your absence before your first timetabled session of the day on the day of the absence.
Attendance policy and absence reporting process
Attending all of your classes is crucial if you are to succeed in your studies. All the evidence suggests that those students who fully attend their programmes achieve better and have better progression outcomes. Please do all you can to attend at all times. Below the Attendance Policy is explained in more detail. Please use this process to report any absences and make sure you understand your responsibility in this process.
Attendance monitoring
We will monitor your attendance in all timetabled classes, including English and maths through the use of electronic registers. If you miss registration during any class, then your parents/guardians or named contact will receive a text. This is generated electronically once a mark is missed. Therefore, as well as attending your class, it is important that you are on time and ready to learn.
Sickness, whilst it may be unavoidable, will usually be recorded as unauthorised.
It is recognised that there may be mitigating circumstances that require a deviation from this policy for students who have particular needs or extra barriers to overcome. This will be determined on an individual basis.
Absences List
Calls are to be made to the Attendance Officer of the course area that you are enrolled in:
Visual Performing Arts (inc. Music, Art, Fashion Retail): 01642 333772
Digital (inc. Computing & Games): 01642 333599
Service Industries & Retail Skills (inc. Hair & Beauty, Catering & Hospitality): 01642 333599
Sports, Travel & Public Services: 01642 333772
A Levels – Middlesbrough College Sixth Form (MC6): 01642 333330
Construction: 01642 333497
Engineering & Motor Vehicle: 01642 333555
Health & Social Care: 01642 333211
Childcare and Business: 01642 333925
TTE: 01642 333555
Progression Studies, Life Skills and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages): 01642 333909
Access to HE and Health, Childcare & Business Adults: 01642 333826
Adult and Community Learning: 01642 333378
When your parent/carer contacts us to report an absence, they will be asked to give your name, date of birth, the reason for your absence and when you intend to return to the College. we must record who rings in and their relationship to you.
If you are going home sick, you must get permission from your tutor and/or directorate first and report to the Attendance Officer for your course area before you leave College. We will make contact with your parent/carer if you are under the age of 18.
Please be aware that it is Parent/Carer’s responsibility to report your absence. Failure to do this will result in your absence being treated as unauthorised. Not all absences are authorised, so please check the information above on authorised and unauthorised absences for specific information.