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English for Speakers of Other Languages

Prepare for mainstream courses or employment

Three ESOL students in classroom

ESOL for School Leavers

For students aged 16-18 years, our Positive Steps to ESOL is the perfect choice for learners where English is a second language. The course will provide you with the stepping stone to develop your employability and language skills. Upon completion, students may have the opportunity to progress onto an appropriate vocational programme.

Learners can expect to advance their skills in:

  • Maths and English
  • Reading and writing
  • Speaking and listening
  • Work experience and employability
  • Personal development

ESOL students

ESOL for Adult Learners

Pre-Entry ESOL

Our Pre-entry ESOL courses are for anyone living in Great Britain, who is a beginner in the English language.

Our ESOL courses will prepare you for everyday life, further education and the world of work. You will be able to develop your skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

They will help build your confidence and support you to become independent of other people, such as interpreters or translators. Plus, you will improve your ability to take part in every aspect of life in Britain, within your local community and beyond!

You will also have the opportunity to progress at Middlesbrough College, by going on to further study in employability, community interpreting, higher education or vocational training programmes.

Eligibility: Must be unemployed and aged 16+

ESOL courses

Our courses are for speakers of other languages who have basic English and wish to progress in other mainstream courses or into employment.

Students will study listening, speaking, reading and writing, and be taught using different teaching methods in a classroom situation. These are part-time courses for adults, aged over 19, and take place over 12 weeks of each academic term.

Choose your course:

ESOL (Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening) – Entry Level 1

ESOL (Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening) – Entry Level 2

ESOL (Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening) – Entry Level 3

For more information about ESOL courses for adult learners, contact our Adult and Community Learning team by calling 01642 333378 or emailing adult&

Working in partnership with:

The Tees Valley Pathways & Routeways Programmes are part-funded by the European Social Fund and will be supported under the Youth Employment Initiative until December 2023.

European Union Social Fund logo
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