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ESFA Guidance for Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting

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To Financial Year End 31st August 2022


In line with the guidance for Streamlined Energy and Carbon reporting, designed to increase awareness of energy costs and usage within organisations and provide data to assist in help with reducing negative impact on climate and the environment, Middlesbrough College can report the figures below calculated and based on UK Government Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Protocol. 

Quantification and Reporting Methodology

Emissions have been calculated and reported in line with their individual scope and classification as per the guidance set out by the UK Government GHG Protocol. The college have followed 2022 HM Government Reporting Guidelines and used the 2022UK Government’s conversion factors for Company Reporting.  


Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) 2021-22

The report below details Energy for the following buildings and car parks, as used by Middlesbrough College. 

ElectricityGasSolar PV
Main BuildingMain BuildingMC6, Sixth Form
MC6, Sixth FormMC6, Sixth FormSTEM
TTE (South Bank)TTE (South Bank)
MC6 Construction
Vulcan Street Care Park
Open Space Lighting

Reporting of Carbon Emissions 

A widely accepted approach is to identify and categorise emissions-releasing activities into three groups known as scopes. These are defined in the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and are described below; 

Scope 1 – Direct GHG emissions 

Emissions from activities owned or controlled by the corporation that releases emissions into the atmosphere e.g. gas boiler emissions and owned vehicle fuel  

Scope 2 – Energy indirect GHG emissions  

Emissions from own consumption of purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling. These are a consequence of the corporations activities but are from sources not controlled e.g. electricity.  

Scope 3 – All other indirect GHG emissions  

Emissions because of the corporation’s actions where the source is not owned or controlled e.g. business travel in staff cars. 

UK Greenhouse gas emissions and energy20/2121/2222/23
Scope 1 emissions in metric tonnes CO2e1104.77991.203703.24
Scope 2 emissions in metric tonnes CO2e1153.561027.68904.49
Scope 3 emissions in metric tonnes CO2e74.6729.4929.83
Totals23332048 (-285)1637.56 (-410)

SECR Energy Use and Carbon Emissions Disclosure

Middlesbrough College disclose their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for which they are responsible in line with SECR requirements.  

Energy SourceConsumptionScopeEmissions conversion factorkgCO2etCo2e
Gas – total kWh (kilowatt-hours) used for the year, taken from gas bills for each site5,455,396 kWhScope 1.018981971.2981.97 
Electricity – total kWh used for the year, taken from the electricity bills for each site5,314,298 kWh Scope 20.1933810276791027.68 
Transport – total miles of Fleet vehicles (passenger cars)30761 miles Scope 10.274658448.5 8.45
Transport – total miles of Fleet vehicles (Delivery)907 miles 
* 1.13 (conversion factor for kWh) = 2901.84 kWh (net cv) per unit 
Scope 10.27 783.50 0.78 
Transport – total mileage reimbursed from staff claims107,384 Scope 30.2746529,493.01 29.50 

Intensity measurement  

The chosen intensity measurement ratio is Total Gross emissions in metric tonnes (CO2e) per staff member (FTE) this is the ratio recommended for the sector.  

tCO2eVolumetCO2e Ratio
Tonnes of CO2e per member of staff (FTE)1093.04 staff 1.87 tCO2e per member of staff (FTE) 
Tonnes of CO2e per student  12347 students0.166 tCO2e per Student 
Tonnes of CO2e per £100,000 Turnover £50,246,000 4.08 tCO2e per £100,000 Turnover 

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