- Student Union elections
- Student Class Rep elections to student councils
- A ‘You Said, We Did’ strategy
- Principal and Student President walkarounds
British Values

British Values are democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. The college has branded British values as community values and some examples of how these values are embedded into college life are shown below:
Individual Liberty
- Training in safeguarding, cyber safety, creating respect
- Progression meetings about future plans
- Advantage programme workshops, with information and guidance
- Anti-bullying strategies
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
- Student behaviour code of conduct
- The use of multi-faith prayer rooms
- Cultural celebrations
- Prevent workshops
- Anti-bullying Week
Rule of Law
- Student behaviour code of conduct
- Students wearing ID badges
- Disciplinary procedures
- IT protocols
- Class rules