Ever wondered why some people are more aggressive than others? Or why some people conform? Or perhaps if the experiences you had before the age of five really do shape the person you are today? A Level Psychology will give you an understanding of the way people think and why people behave in specific ways.
Psychology has been defined as the ‘science of the mind and behaviour’. Essentially, psychology is all about the study of people. We are all amateur psychologists, every time we try and work out why someone acted the way they did or try to predict how someone might behave or react.
The A Level specification (AQA) covers a wide variety of topics, including how our memory works, what happens if babies don’t form an attachment with a caregiver, how to plan and carry out psychological experiments, and understanding the different areas of the brain and the functions they carry out.
This A Level is a two-year linear course, with no coursework. Psychology is a great subject to study because it will not only give you several transferable skills such as essay writing, evaluation, and communication, but it will also teach you more about the way people think. An understanding of the human mind is useful in a number of careers, and the topics we study are truly fascinating!