A Level Sociology focuses on contemporary society, providing an awareness of the importance of social structure and actions in explaining social forces and issues. Some questions A Level Sociology covers include:
- Why do boys underachieve in the education system?
- Why are black people five time more likely to be stopped and searched?
- Why are women more religious when religion oppresses them?
Sociology will help you to think about society in a new and critical light, questioning the status-quo and developing a sophisticated understanding of the real issues that affect the society we live in.
In Year 12 we examine the institution of the education system, evolving culture and identity, considering the context of how and why these cornerstones of society have changed over time. Students will also study the development of social and educational policy. The methodological and theoretical practices undertaken by sociologists are studied across both years and are central to the A Level examinations.
In Year 13, students will build upon their existing knowledge and apply it to the criminal justice system and the various theories pertaining to criminal and deviant activity, as well as considering the role and impact of the religion and beliefs in contemporary society. To be successful within this discipline students must be capable of constructing arguments and applying and evaluating theoretical concepts.