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Husnen Parveen

June 19, 2023
Husnen Parveen

“Although I studied English for many years in my native country, in my first year in England I could barely communicate with native English speakers – thoughts couldn’t turn into sentences no matter how hard my brain was working, creating on me a fear to socialize.

“This fright persisted until I started to study ESOL at Middlesbrough College, where I found out that I wasn’t alone and that other people of my age and similar backgrounds faced the same issue.

“The classroom of ESOL was always filled with joy and enthusiasm, as the activities that were carried out required the participation of all the classmates, never leaving any student alone.

“With the help and support of the amazing and unique ESOL teachers I completed the course and have taken the next step to study Level 2 Computer Science in a classroom filled with native speakers, now being almost unnoticed as a foreigner.”

Course: ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

Husnen has progressed to a Level 2 Computer Science course