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5 careers you can do with a Sport qualification

April 10, 2021
Football team

Thinking about doing a sports course at Middlesbrough College but not too sure on the career possibilities?

Sports are some of the most well-known and watched events in the world. Wherever you are in the world there will be a sport that you either play, watch, or talk about.

If you want to be a part of the sporting world, then studying a sport course at Middlesbrough College will help to kick-start your career! 

Wondering about what you can do with a Sport qualification? We have found 5 different career opportunities that you might be interested in:

Sports Coach
If you enjoy training and helping people get into sport or further their skills in sports, then you would enjoy being a sports coach. Being a sports coach is a very rewarding career with helping people with their sporting abilities. Sports coaches have opportunities to work with different employers from working in schools or colleges to fitness centres or sports clubs.

P.E Teacher
Being a P.E Teacher you will be teaching and working with mainly younger people on their sports skills and abilities. Being a P.E teacher can be hard when working with children in schools but will be very rewarding too, when you get to see the progression of a child who was shy and nervous about playing sports but with your teaching, he becomes a confident and sporty child.

Sports Therapist
Do you have a strong knowledge of helping with sports injuries and a strong stomach the you could be a sports therapist. You will be there to provide treatment, support, rehabilitation and give advice to anyone that could have a range of sporting injuries. You could be working in clinics that specialise on sports injuries or you could work directly with a sports club.

Gym Instructor
If you have the passion and desire to help and train people from a range of skill sets ranging from people that are new and don’t have many skills but are willing to learn to people that already have the skills and abilities but want to improve on them, then you would make a great gym instructor. As a gym instructor you will mostly being working in a gym that suits you and your abilities.

Sports Player
Enjoy playing your favourite sports with your friends or while at college, do you want to continue doing it but as a career? Whichever sport you enjoy from football, basketball, athletics, gymnastics and many more there’s a good chance you will be able to do it as career. It’s a hard career to get but with strong determination and putting in the hard work you could be playing for your favourite team or club one day.

The sporting courses at Middlesbrough will be able to give you all the essential knowledge about everything that you will need and want to learn. You will be able to learn from some of the best tutors, many of which are ex-professionals in their fields so you know they will be excellent to learn from. This course is perfect for anyone that loves sports and is a very active person, you will be able to learn from participating in practical lessons.

So, if any of these careers are for you and you are interested in doing a sports course at college then Middlesbrough College is an amazing college for you.

Click here to find out more about our Sports courses