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Ashley Coleman Cooke

Ashley Coleman-Cooke

Co-Opted Governor

Sub Committees: Audit and Risk (Vice Chair); Curriculum and Standards (Chair until 28 February 2022), Remuneration (Vice Chair); Search and Governance (Vice Chair)

Ashley was appointed on 15 December 2022 as an External Member after serving nine years as a College Governor and Vice Chair of several sub-committees.

As a Chartered Chemical Engineer with both sales and marketing experience, Ashley has had over 30 years’ experience working in a range of technical and commercial roles for both small and large companies, latterly in the Chemical Industry on Teesside.

Ashley has always had a passion for bridging the communication divide between IT and Marketing. Core areas of expertise are related to business strategy development, value delivery, change management, marketing, and sales.

Ashley now advises SME companies in taking full advantage of the internet as an additional marketing and sales channel opportunity.

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