“I’ve always been obsessed with cars and racing since I was a child. My dad got me in to Autograss racing and I’ve loved competing in different competitions.
“I’ve always wanted to work in the automotive industry and Middlesbrough College offers an amazing range of Motor Vehicle courses. After I’ve completed my Level 2 programme, I’m hoping to progress to study for an apprenticeship in the sector. My ultimate career dream is to work in Formula 1!
“The College has been incredibly supportive. All of my tutors are amazing and are always there to talk to me. I’ve also made lots of new friends and I know that they are always there for me.
“I was fortunate to be offered a work placement as part of my course and I have really enjoyed improving my knowledge on engines and motor vehicles whilst on work placement at Mercedes Benz.
“My skillset has expanded and I’ve also enjoyed the experience of a real working environment. This work placement has been an amazing addition to my CV!
“My advice to any young women who wants to go into a male dominated sector is to just go for it! You can do it! Nothing is impossible.”
Course: Level 2 Motor Vehicle
Previous School: Egglescliffe School