The teaching of NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Skills for Business (Retail Pathway) will be through a combination of e-folios and practical activities that use a range of techniques. A variety of teaching approaches will be used. Learners will have the opportunity to design products that solve problems within a variety of business contexts. NCFE Level 3 Business is cross-curricular and draws upon subject knowledge and skills within English, Mathematics, Computing. Through supported practical and written tasks the learners will learn to take measured risks and become reflective and resilient.
Over the year, students will benefit from seeing their work progress and naturally evolve, adapting to their needs. This gives the learner a sense of achievement and ownership of their learning.
The modules are designed not only to introduce new learning but to give learners the knowledge and skills to be an effective and confident asset to a business, whilst also giving learners the opportunity to retrieve and build upon. This frequent consolidation reinforces their learning, embedding, and securing the key skills and knowledge they will need in the workplace. With support, each learner will develop their understanding in a safe and controlled environment.