- Accompanies pupil on training flights and demonstrates flying techniques.
- Handles emergencies, unscheduled traffic and other unanticipated incidents.
- Plans flight route, calculate fuel consumption and optimum flying height and obtains information on weather and other conditions, such as cargo distribution.
- Gives landing Instructions to pilot and monitors descent.
- Directs the movement of aircraft and maintains radio and/or radar or visual contact en-route to its destination, in and out of controlled airspace or into holding areas ready for landing.
- Maintains radio contact and discusses weather conditions with air traffic controllers.
- Monitors fuel consumption, air pressure, engine performance and other indicators during flight and advises pilot of any factors that affect the navigation or performance of the aircraft.
- Directs or undertakes the operation of controls to fly airplanes and helicopters, complying with air traffic control and aircraft operating procedures.
- Directs or undertakes checks on engines, instruments, control panels, cargo distribution, fuel supplies, aircraft's stability, response to controls and overall performance.
- Studies flight plan and makes any necessary adjustments.